Успешный опыт лазеротерапии хронических простатитов отмечен грамотой Международного конгресса в Хельсинки, а врач Любимов В.В. почетным дипломом

Usage of low-intensive laser radiation in the treatment of patients with urological and proctologic diseaseshelsinki2

V.V. Lubimov¹, A.P. Godovalov². ¹ Medical Clinic “Doctor SAN”, Perm, Russian Federation; ² Acad.E.A. Wagner Perm State Medical Academy, Perm, Russian Federation

Introduction: In recent years in the treatment of patient with acute and chronic prostatitis, prostatic hypertrophy, urethritis, cystitis, impotence, orchitis, orchiepididimitis, hemorrhoids and anal fissures shows the efficiency of low-intensity laser radiation.

Material and Methods: 109 patients with prostatitis and urethritis, and 89 patients with hemorrhoids and anal fissures in treatment received applications of magnetic-laser radiation on the projection of the prostate- above thepubis, the perineum , in the lumbosacral area. Comparison group of 198 patient with relevant diseases were treated in the normal way without the laser. In our work we have applied laser therapeutic device “Mustang-2000”, which has two channels for emitting red (0.63 microns) and infrared (1.3 microns) range. We used the radiation frequency 80 Hz, the average pulse power – 15 watts for the infrared radiation and 13 mW – for red. Duration of the procedure set timer from 1 to 15 minutes.

Results: In patients with symptoms of prostatitis and urethritis have 2-4 days of using laser radiation showed an improvement of the clinical picture. In these patients we revealed reducing the severity of pain, stopped manifestations of cystitis. After the laser marked improvement in erectile function were identified. Patients with prostatitis who were treated by the standard procedure without the laser, the effect of improvement occurs much later (7-10 days), symptoms persisted longer and was more pronounced ( for example, the phenomenon of cystitis was held to only 8 days of treatment). It is shown that the inclusion in the combined therapy of laser radiation hemorrhoidal nodules decreased in size at 4 days (in the comparison group- on the 15th or later), decreased swelling and redness, pain was less pronounced than in patients treated without laser radiation. It is noted that the laser radiation accelerates the regeneration of anal fissures.

Conclusion: Thus, shows the efficiency of laser radiation in combined treatment of urological and proctogic patients. This treatment relieves patients, shorten treatment time, improves the physical, psychological and emotional state of patients.

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